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ESO Gold Guide - How to Make Gold Quickly - IGMeet Quick Guide


Like all good MMORPGs, ESO has its own thriving economy. Just like in real life, money makes the world go round, and a lot of new players want to know how to earn gold in The Elder Scrolls Online. Believe me, there really are no secrets or shortcuts — just proven methods that will help line your pockets with the money you need in-game. If you’re a beginning player looking to earn , it’ll take perseverance and patience. No one starts out the game rich, but wealth is definitely obtainable. Do you want crazy stacks of gold in your account? Then follow these proven methods.

Harvesting Materials

Harvesting and selling Crafting materials is easy and pays very well. This is so easy that every character can do this from day 1. Just head to a zone with plenty of resources and harvest. Carved Hills, Phaer, and The Hollow City are some of the best places for materials in The Elder Scrolls Online.

Alchemy materials (plants, etc.) sell the best. So you will want to focus on harvesting those for money. Also, making a dedicated “harvester” character will help gather more quickly, but it is not required.

Save Your Money

A penny saved is a penny earned, and one of the best ways to earn gold in The Elder Scrolls Online is not to waste it in the first place. Don’t throw your money away on fast traveling to Wayshrines or repairing armor. Simply walk or ride to the nearest Wayshrine to travel for free, and sell or deconstruct broken armor as it becomes unusable. During questing, you’ll always find good bits of gear to replace the broken stuff with.


Crafting is one of the game’s features that allows you to earn gold in The Elder Scrolls Online. If you take the time to become a master craftsman, you’ll undoubtedly be able to earn a nice living, perhaps even becoming rich. Every hour, Zone Chat has players looking for crafters to make them armor, glyphs, etc. Skilled crafters are tipped well.

You should choose the crafting profession that suits you best, and spend time and Skill points mastering it. Be forewarned: it takes time and resources to become a master craftsman, but just like investing in an education in real life, your advanced skills will serve you well in earning gold in The Elder Scrolls Online economy.

Farming Mobs

If you’re more comfortable in combat than in a trader’s guild, then mob farming is for you. Public dungeons are a particularly good spot for this – they usually spawn five or more mobs at a time, and they have a shorter respawn time than other spots. The gold and loot gleaned from encounters like this come at a higher rate per minute than other dungeons or hunting grounds. For even more gold returns, seek out public dungeons with Imperial mobs, who, as a rule, drop more gold at a faster rate.

The three best dungeons for this kind of thing are The Vile Manse in Reaper’s March, Razak’s Wheel in Bang’korai, and Crimson Cove in Malabal Tor.

Notably, this kind of farming is only really viable if your character is capable of AOE damage. Some of the best weapons for this are the Destruction Staff or Bow. A Templar’s Blazing Spear, a Warden’s Impaling Shards, a Sorcerer’s Lightning Splash, or a Dragonknight’s Fiery Breath are also great skills to do this kind of damage. We don’t generally recommend a Nightblade build for this purpose, as they don’t have a lot of AOE abilities.

You can also invest your Champion Points in several skills to make mob farming easier for you. Spell Erosion and Piercing can help your abilities bypass your enemies’ armour and increase your kill rate. Precise Strikes and Elfborn can increase your critical rating for physical and spell attacks, respectively.

Flip Goods for a Living

No matter what some low-balling Baandari peddler tells you in a /zone chat or on a forum, Elder Scrolls Online’s player economy is still home to the hottest chunk of capital in Tamriel. The sole problem for newbies here is that ESO doesn’t have a centralized marketplace, which may understandably throw off seasoned players of traditional MMOs such as World of Warcraft. Instead, each member of a guild can post, at maximum, 30 listings (individual items or item stacks sold directly) on its Guild Store that are only visible to other members of the same guild. If a guild wants its members to sell to the rest of the world, it must rent a Guild Trader; an NPC merchant that any random player can approach and purchase items from.

Guild Traders are permanently bound to specific locations in cities or in remote areas and, when speaking to one, you will only see item listings from the guild that’s renting it. In practice, this means the market is comprised of many walled gardens rather than a singular ecosystem. The result is chaos, confusion, and inconsistent item prices. That’s why it’s considered necessary to use Tamriel Trade Center at a minimum. This addon gives you global price listing information on each item in the game, essentially aggregating all of an item’s listings from other players running the program. We also recommend Master Merchant for the more serious traders out there. Whereas TTC shows listing prices, Master Merchant only shows completed purchases from guilds that you are in. It has significantly less data as a result, but at least you know those sales were completed. You can also choose to run both addons at the same time, but make sure you don’t confuse MM data for TTC data, or vice versa.

Once you’ve set up Tamriel Trade Centre by running the separate executable client before you log in, your next step is to maximize the Guild Trader system. Fill all five of your guild slots with trading guilds that have a dedicated trader. This may take some searching, but that’s what the new Guild Finder is for. Preferably, you’ll want each of your traders to operate in a distinct part of the world.

Those are the top ways to make gold in ESO. Generally, to make a decent amount of money in ESO, you need to have time, the required skills, startup capital, and even some knowledge about the game's market. If you are a new player with limited gold-making options, buying ESO gold and items online is a good idea. is a professional seller selling MMO currency. All orders are backed by professional suppliers and representatives, and that is why it is people's go-to place to , items, and level boosting for

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ESO Gold Guide - How to Make Gold Quickly - IGMeet Quick Guide  ::  
Like all good MMORPGs, ESO has its own thriving economy. Just like in real life, money ma

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